Conditions Eligible for Second Opinions

We provide thorough education regarding diagnosis and treatment to Indian patients and families, and we offer detailed thoughts  those who consult with us. Most frequently, we are in agreement with the diagnosis and treatment plan by the patient's primary hematologist/oncologist, and our thoughts simply help patients build trust and confidence in their doctors while better understanding their conditions. All cases may be discussed free of charge. Donations are encouraged, and all proceeds are further dedicated to the Indian healthcare system. 

Solid Tumors (lung, breast, colon, etc.)

Our physician experts are comfortable providing information regarding a diagnosis and treatment plan for nearly all "solid organ" tumors for patients 18 years and older. 

Hematologic Malignancies (Blood Cancers)

Our physician experts are comfortable discussing the diagnosis and management of several adult blood cancers, including myeloma, lymphoma, and most leukemias.

Benign Hematologic Conditions

Our physician experts can provide insight regarding myeloproliferative neoplasms, blood clots, autoimmune hematologic disorders including ITP, TTP, and AIHA, and other blood-related disorders.

How to arrange for a referral

To be clear, we are currently serving only adult (18+ years) patients in India.

Reach out to us

Send us an email, text, or a message through our website. Once we have your contact, we will reach out to you regarding your diagnosis and will discuss options to review your documents.

Upload documents

We generally need the patient's most recent physician note, imaging reports, and any other records that patients and families feel would be helpful for us to review. We understand if these are not readily available. 

Meet with us

After reviewing your documents, we will reach out to you and arrange a time to virtually meet with you and any of your family. We will focus on improving your understanding regarding the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.

Review thoughts

We will provide summative points for you and your family to understand the disease course. If we have possible disagreement with the local oncologist's diagnostic or treatment plan, we will offer a detailed letter indicating our suggestions.

What we cannot do

We cannot prescribe medications. 

Though we provide second opinions on management, and we convey these thoughts in a document that providers can review, we do not seek to drive conflict between patients and their doctors. If a treating doctor in India feels strongly that a treatment approach is warranted that we disagree with, we will simply provide our opinion but will not engage in argument. Most frequently, our opinions are aligned with the treating physicians, and we simply build trust between physicians and their patients with our thoughts.

We are physician specialists for adult patients. We do not feel comfortable offering advice for pediatric patients.

If we are uncomfortable giving advice for a cancer that we do not frequently treat, we will not request a consultative fee, but we will try to give advice and education as able. 

We cannot provide advice for conditions other than cancer or hematologic disorders.

At this time, we are only providing education and opinions for patients residing in India.